You Don’t Have To Travel Alone

At A New Path, we recognize that the logistics that accompany losing a person can be just as overwhelming as grief.

We also know that your grief and logistics landscape is unique to you. Although we provide a map, you are the expert on your unique territory.

Support for Your Loss Journey

When death or loss enters our landscape, we have so many emotions, AND we have a flood of new information, projects, and tasks.  If you are more of a do-it-yourself person, but find yourself struggling to manage all of the tasks, we offer a workbook and planner. We also accompany you through grief and logistics coaching and consulting.

Solo Journey

A New Path: A Workbook and Planner

Accompanied Journey

The Listening, Loss, and Logistics

Dedicated time for your unique loss and logistic landscape in an hour-an- half Zoom call.  Together, we open sacred space.  Initially, you share where you are and where you feel overwhelmed.  We engage in some practices to support you and your body, mind, and spirit.  We then explore the people and professionals in your life where you can turn to support in the days and weeks ahead. 

Bonus A New Path Workbook and Planner: A Guidebook and Companion Your First Year Through Grief &the Logistics of Settling Your Person’s

Bonus Personalized Ritual: Video recording of ritual to honor your unique loss & logistics journey